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International Radio :: Mods :: Yaesu :: FT-1000MP IF Noise Reduction Mod

FT-1000MP IF Noise Reduction Mod

FT-1000MP IF Noise Reduction Mod 
We now have a mod for the FT-1000MP: a small 70 MHz IF amplifier. It boosts the front-end gain a few dB. The IF gain setting in menu item 9-1 is then reduced to compensate, and the radio's background hiss is greatly reduced. The byproduct is increased sensitivity of 2-4 dB in noise floor reduction. This is a plug-in, no-solder mod which can be easily removed.

The IF Noise Reduction mod will also work in the Mark V and Mark V Field, except it requires soldering two connections.

Note: This unit cannot be installed along with our FT-1000MP Roofing Filter Mod. Only one or the other can be used.

Full installation instructions are available here:

Price: $55.00

Quantity Out of stock



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