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The book Managing Interstation Interference, written by former INRAD owner George Cutsogeorge W2VJN is now available as a free download

George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN, has made his book Managing Interstation Interference available for free download as a service to the Amateur Radio community rather than publishing a subsequent printed edition. We are hosting the download on the parent website of INRAD, vibroplex.com. The direct link is


Thanks George!

Closeout pricing on roofing filter kits TS-850, TS-870, TS-930, TS-950, IC-756Pro, IC-756ProII, IC-756ProIII, IC-781

Closeout pricing while supplies last on roofing filter kits for TS-850, TS-870, TS-930, TS-950, IC-756Pro, IC-756ProII, IC-756ProIII, IC-781 transceivers. $69 plus shipping. At left click on Product by Radio under 'Categories' then enter either Icom or Kenwood to bring up the individual radio models list.

Closeout pricing on certain Heathkit, Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu filters for 1970-80's-era transceivers

A few models of INRAD filters for 1970's-80's era Heathkit, Icom, and Yaesu transceivers are now discontinued and remaining inventory is now sale priced at $40 each vs. usual retail of $118 to $174. For Heathkit: #2708 1.8 kHz SSB filter 3395 kHz I-F. For Icom: #113 2.1 kHz SSB filter for IC271, IC471, IC701, IC720/IC720A, IC1271. #320 1.8 kHz SSB for many Icom models. #322 1.8 kHz for many Icom models. For Yaesu FT-102 and FT-650: #1201.2 250 Hz CW filter, #1202.2 400 Hz CW filter. For Yaesu FT-102, FT757GX, FT767GX: #1209.1 2.1 kHz SSB filter. For Yaesu FT-101, FR-101: #2003 500 Hz filter, #2008 1.8 kHz filter. Kenwood TS-930/TS-930S roofing filter modification kit reg. $175, now $59. Quantities are limited. Type the model number into the search box at upper left to be taken to order pages.

New from INRAD – the DCA2 2 radio / 2 antenna disconnect actuator

On the heels of the earlier version for 1 radio and 1 antenna, INRAD now introduces DCA2 – allowing 2 radios and 2 feedlines to be connected to the same unit. Prevents static discharge, surges, and lightning-strike effects from damaging your radio and associated equipment. The DCA is installed at the output of the transceiver, amp, or tuner in line with the antenna. Plug the DC cable into +12VDC (ideally from the transceiver). When the transceiver is powered on and +12VDC is present, the antenna is automatically connected. When DC is off, the antenna's signal and ground are shorted together and grounded and both are disconnected from the radio. 1500 watts power capability, 1.8-50 MHz. DCA1 for one radio and one feedline $109.95. DCA2 for 2 radios and 2 feedlines, $189.95 Details and operating manual on the Vibroplex website (parent of INRAD) at http://vibroplex.com/contents/en-us/d9157.html

New from INRAD – the W1 HEADSET! Now in stock and shipping

Introduced at the 2018 Dayton Hamvention, the INRAD W1 headset is now in stock and available for immediate shipment.

Comfortable over-the-ear earpieces with large diaphragm high response speakers. Full stereo reception to allow use with dual receiver transceivers. 600 ohm dynamic microphone element on adjustable long boom with the best sounding headset transmit audio in ham radio. Unique headband tilt-back feature as used on pro broadcast headsets. Extra wide and thick rubberized foam top padding for long stretches of wearing the headset while DXing or contesting. It's light, weighs only 13 ounces. Avoid the neck and head fatigue associated with modified aircraft headsets sold by other companies. Extra long straight + coiled cable with total length of almost 7 feet. 4 ½ feet straight + 1 ½ feet coiled + 1 ft straight. Coiled section can be stretched out an additional 2 feet if desired. Rig mic jack adapters available for 8 pin modern Icom rigs, 8 pin Yaesu / Ten-Tec, 8 pin Kenwood / Elecraft, RJ-45 Yaesu, 3 pin TRS FlexRadio 6400/6600.

This sensational new product sells for only US$179. Microphone jack adapters sold separately, $14.95. All details and more are available at the INRAD section of www.vibroplex.com

New from INRAD – the “DMS” Desk Microphone System

The new Desk Microphone System from INRAD incorporates our new DMS-1 locking PTT base for the INRAD M-series microphone line. Plug the included detachable coiled cable into your transceiver and you're ready to operate. Changing transceiver brands with your desk mic is as easy as unplugging the cable. See the excellent ARRL review in the January 2018 issue of QST magazine! Details on the Vibroplex website (parent of INRAD) at www.vibroplex.com

New from INRAD – model DCA Antenna Disconnect Actuator

Prevents static discharge, surges, and lightning-strike effects from damaging your radio and associated equipment. The DCA is installed at the output of the transceiver, amp, or tuner in line with the antenna. Plug the DC cable into +12VDC (ideally from the transceiver). When the transceiver is powered on and +12VDC is present, the antenna is automatically connected. When DC is off, the antenna's signal and ground are shorted together and grounded and both are disconnected from the radio. 1500 watts power capability, 1.8-50 MHz. $109.95. Details on the Vibroplex website (parent of INRAD) at www.vibroplex.com

New from INRAD at Dayton Hamvention: Complete line of desk microphones for Amateur Radio

INRAD introduces our new M-series line of microphones for Amateur Radio at the 2017 Dayton Hamvention. Microphones for every use, desk stand, adapters, cables, hand- and footswitches. See and purchase them for the first time in building #1, booths 1607-1609 on May 19-21. We will also be exhibiting this great new line at HAM RADIO Friedrichshafen July 14-16. Boom mic headsets and communications headphones to follow in the near future. Details on the Vibroplex website (parent of INRAD) at www.vibroplex.com (May 8, 2017)

New from INRAD: Receive-only antenna modification kit for Icom IC-7300

The INRAD model RX7300 allows you to add a receive-only antenna jack to the Icom IC-7300. This easy to install plug-in modification requires no soldering and is easily installed and easily reversible. The RX7300 can also be used for the insertion of accessory items into the receiver chain on the IC-7300 like receive-only bandpass filters, low noise preamps, etc. When installed, transceiver will transceive using the SO-239 antenna connector on transmit, and one RCA phono jack on the RX7300 on receive. To use transceiver in normal transceive operation, leave the RG-174 coax loop installed. $39.95. In stock now.

Vibroplex, parent company of INRAD, to distribute 4O3A Signature products in USA / Canada

KNOXVILLE, TN., USA January 23, 2017 - Vibroplex LLC, Knoxville, TN, USA and SKY SAT d.o.o. of Igalo, Montenegro are pleased to announce an exclusive agreement for Vibroplex to distribute the 4O3A Signature product line in the United States and Canada.

The 4O3A Signature line consists of TCP/IP and LAN enabled radio accessory equipment including advanced rotator control devices, radio interface devices for serious radio contest operation, remote and locally controlled antenna switches, station controllers, antenna controllers, combiners, triplexers, 4.5 kW HF bandpass filters and more. Many new products are slated for 2017 release.

Vibroplex expects to have the entire 4O3A Signature line available from stock for shipment in early February. Product warranties for equipment previously sold in North America through other channels will be transferred to Vibroplex and honored in full.

About Vibroplex LLC:

Vibroplex is the oldest continuously operating business in Amateur Radio, in their 112th year. Vibroplex manufactures Morse Code keys under the Vibroplex and Bencher brands, and are the owners of International Radio ("INRAD"), manufacturer of aftermarket crystal filters and roofing filters and who presently is the supplier of OEM filters for Elecraft, and W7FG Vintage Manuals. In addition, they currently distribute products for German radio companies Spiderbeam GmbH and Easy-Rotor-Control and Chinese manufacturer YouKits on an exclusive basis in the United States.


New products coming from INRAD in 2017

INRAD has many new products for high performance ham radio in progress to be released in 2017. Transceiver accessories and modification kits, general station accessories. contest station accessories, filter kits, and more. Stay tuned for announcements this winter. Have a product you'd like to see us build? Email your suggestion to sales at inrad dot net. Thanks and 73!

455 kHz Collins Mechanical Filters for AOR, Collins, Ten-Tec, Yaesu = as available

Collins has discontinued manufacturing their line of 455 kHz mechanical filters that INRAD sells as stock filters or attached to boards for mounting in various transceivers. The model numbers are 705, 706, 707, 712, 717, 720, 722, 724, 726, 729. We project having enough inventory on hand to continue offering these items into 2017, but this is not guaranteed as they are sold on an “as available” basis. Once our supply runs out, they can no longer be ordered. (November 2, 2016)

Filters for the Yaesu FTDX5000

We now offer roofing filters for the Yaesu FTdx5000, shipping from stock. Complete instructions are included online. (Mar 1, 2014)

Filters for the Collins 32S-3

We now offer a filter kit for the Collins 32S-3 is now available and shipping from stock. Complete instructions can be seen at

(Oct 1, 2012)

455 kHz IF filters for JRC Radios

We can now supply 455 kHz IF filters for the the following JRC radios: JST-145, JST-245, NRD-345, NRD-515, NRD-525, NRD-535, NRD-535D. (Sept 15, 2012)

HF Triplexer Now Shipping

The HF Triplexer is now available and shipping from stock. The complete instruction manual is available at

(Oct 20, 2011)

SSB filters for the Icom-706

We can now supply SSB filters for the Icom IC-706 transceiver. (Jun 1, 2010)

VOX Box for the Kenwood TS-50/60

We now offer a Kenwood TS-50/60 version of the Inrad VOX Box. It is the same great VOX Box as before, but wired for the TS-50/60 radios. (May 10, 2011)

CW Filter for the Kenwood TS-520

The 400 Hz CW filter for the Kenwood TS-520 has been reworked and is now a pin-compatible replacement for the original Kenwood YG-3395C filter. (May 1, 2011)

Kenwood TS-870 Roofing Filter Mod -- Now Shipping!

We now are taking orders for the Kenwood TS-870 Roofing Filter Mod. See the Mods page for details. Delivery is from stock. (Feb 1, 2010)

AM Filter for the Yaesu FT-100

We can now supply AM filters for the Yaesu FT-100 transceiver. This filter is a replacement for the original Yaesu XF-117A filter. (Dec 1, 2009)

1000 Hz CW Filter for FT-817/857/897 and for Collins 75S-3C

International Radio is now offering a wide CW filter (1000 Hz) for the Yaesu FT-817, FT-857, and FT-897 radios. We can also provision this filter for the Collins 75S-3C. (Nov 1, 2009)

AM Filter for the Drake TR-6

We can now supply 6000 Hz AM filters for the Drake TR-6 transceiver. This filter is a replacement for the original Drake filter. (Jul 16, 2009)

Kenwood TS-940 Roofing Filter Mod

After installing a prototype Inrad roofing filter mod in the Kenwood TS-940, we believe there is not enough improvement to make any substantial difference under operating conditions and therefore Inrad will not offer a roofing filter mod for this rig. We will make the 45.050 MHz crystal filter and the Inrad 117 Experimenter Kit available for experimenters who wish to do further work in this area. (Apr 25, 2009)

New Catalog

The International Radio product catalog (3.70 MB) for Spring 2009 is now available online. (Apr 14, 2009)

Kenwood TS-850 Roofing Filter Mod -- Now Shipping!

We now are taking orders for the Kenwood TS-850 Roofing Filter Mod. See the Mods page for details. Delivery is from stock. (Apr 7, 2009)

Plug-in FSK Filter for Ten-Ten Radios

International Radio is now offering a plug-in FSK filter for the Ten-Tec Omni VI and other Ten-Tec radios. This filter is a replacement for the Ten-Tec 216. (Apr 5, 2009)

500 Hz CW Filter for the Elecraft K3

By customer request we have completed a small run of 500 Hz plug-in filters for the Elecraft K3 HF transceiver. (Mar 24, 2009)

Narrow SSB Filter for Elecraft K3

By customer request we have completed a small run of 1500 Hz plug-in filters for the Elecraft K3 HF transceiver. (Feb 19, 2009)

Yaesu FT-847 Roofing Filter

After evaluating the Yaesu FT-847 we have determined that it there is insufficient physcial space within the chassis of the radio to accomodate our roofing filter parts. The 45.705 MHz crystal filter and the Inrad-115 Experimenter Kit are vailable for experimenters who would like to to create an outboard roofing filter mod on their own. (Jan 2, 2009)

VOX Box in Stock

The VOX Box is now in stock and ready to ship. Many thanks for your patience! (Dec 8, 2008)

Kenwood TS-690/450, Kenwood TS-570 Roofing Filter

After evaluating the Kenwood TS-690 we have determined that it is impractical to offer a roofing filter kit for this radio because of a variety of physical/mechanical considerations. The 73.050 MHz crystal filter and the Inrad-117 Experimenter Kit are vailable for experimenters who would like to give it a try on their own. (Nov 17, 2008)

FT-920 Roofing Filter Mod

We are now taking orders for the Yaesu FT-920 Roofing Filter Mod. See the Mods page for details. Delivery is from stock. (May 1, 2008)

New Price List

The International Radio price list for January 2008 is now available online. (Mar 11, 2008)

IC-756Pro/Pro2/Pro3, IC-781 Roofing Filter Mod

We are now taking orders for roofing filter mods for all versions of the Icom IC-756PRO series of radios:

We are also taking orders for the Icom IC-781 Roofing Filter Mod. See the Mods page for details. Delivery is from stock. (Nov 15, 2007)

Plug-in Filters for DZKit Sienna

International Radio is now offering plug-in filters for the new DZKit Sienna HF transceiver kit. Visit the DZ Co. web site for more information about this new kit radio. (Oct 16, 2007)

Yaesu FT-2000 Roofing Filter

After designing and installing a prototype Inrad roofing filter mod for the Yaesu FT-2000, BDR testing at 20 kHz showed no improvement while the IMDDR was only slightly improved by 3 dB at the tone spacing of 5 kHz. We believe this is not enough to make any substantial difference under operating conditions, and therefore Inrad will not offer a roofing filter mod for this radio at this time. We will make the 69.450 MHz crystal filter available for experimenters. (Aug 27, 2007)

Kenwood TS-950 Roofing Filter Mod

We now are taking orders for the Kenwood TS-950 Roofing Filter Mod. This mod works for all version of the Kenwood TS-950 series of radios. See the Mods page for details. Delivery is from stock. (May 23, 2007)

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