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International Radio :: Products by radio :: Drake :: R-4C :: #2612.1


8000 Hz 5645.0 kHz GUF-1 8-pole crystal filter

This filter (also known as GUF-1) is a superior replacement for the original 4-pole unit in the Drake R-4C. Exceptional improvement. Installation requires drilling three small holes in the radio chassis.

Bandwidth 8000 Hz
Center Frequency 5645.0 kHz
Mode GUF-1
Shape Factor 1.7
Zin/Zout 1000 ohms
Typical Insertion Loss 250 Hz: < 9 dB; 500 Hz: < 7 dB; SSB/AM: < 6 dB
Ultimate Rejection > 80 dB
Physical Dimensions 40 x 20 x 21 mm
Price: $133.25



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