Tel: +1 865-309-5073

International Radio :: Products by radio :: Ten-Tec :: Paragon

The Paragon has a factory-installed filter (2400 Hz) and three option slots (one for SSB and two for CW) for the 6.2 MHz IF. It also has two factory-installed filters (2400 Hz and 6000 Hz) and no option slots for the 9 MHz IF. We have a selection of crystal filters mounted on our custom plug-in PC boards.

Bandwidth (Hz) 280024002100400250
6.2 MHz IF #755 #757 #758 #750 #751

The table above shows the most popular filter choices for the Paragon. Below is a comprehensive list of what is available for experimenters.


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400 Hz 6299.25 kHz CW 8-pole...
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250 Hz 6299.25 kHz CW 8-pole...
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2100 Hz 9001.5 kHz SSB 8-pole...
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400 Hz 9000.6 kHz CW 8-pole...
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2800 Hz 9001.5 kHz SSB 8-pole...
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2800 Hz 6298.5 kHz SSB 8-pole...
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2400 Hz 9001.5 kHz SSB 10-pole...
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2400 Hz 6298.5 kHz SSB 10-pole...
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2100 Hz 6298.5 kHz SSB 8-pole...
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400 Hz 9000.75 kHz CW 8-pole...
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250 Hz 9000.75 kHz CW 8-pole...
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1800 Hz 9001.5 kHz SSB 8-pole...
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600 Hz 9000.75 kHz CW 4-pole...
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2400 Hz 9001.5 kHz SSB 4-pole...
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600 Hz 9000.5 kHz CW 4-pole...
See details

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